Omega diagnostic

The pressure change in time, or $\omega$, can be expressed as

$\displaystyle \omega = {\frac{dp}{ dt}} = {\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}} + {\bf V} \cdot \nabla p +
{\dot\eta}\frac{\partial p}{\partial\eta}$ (52)

The vertical velocity is related to the omega vertical velocity using the definitions of $\epsilon$ and $\mu_d$:

$\displaystyle \omega = {\frac{\partial p}{\partial t}} + {\bf V} \cdot \nabla p +
{\dot\eta}(1+\epsilon)\mu$ (53)

As a final note, if the motion is hydrostatic (i.e. $p=\pi$), then omega is equivalent to

$\displaystyle \omega = {\bf V} \cdot \nabla \pi
- \int_0^\eta \nabla \cdot ({\bf V} \mu) \,d\eta$ (54)

where the form in Eq. 55 is obtained using Eq. 51. Note that $\omega$ is merely a diagnostic and is not used in the solution of the dynamic equations.