La Liberation de Chateau Gontier

The Liberation of Chateau Gontier

Version Francaise Francais
Historical Setting
The Liberation by Marguerite Gailliard
Historical and Geographical Setting

During the occupation of Paris by the Germans during WWII, Jean-Pierre Gailliard stayed with his Grandmother, Marguerite Gailliard, west of Paris at Château-Gontier. His parents, Jack and Georgette Gailliard, were living in Paris at that time. In 1944, Jean-Pierre was 9 years old. This is the story of the events leading up to the liberation of Château-Gontier, (Mayenne department, near the western front of France) in August, 1944, as written by Marguerite Gailliard.

Mayenne is indicated using an arrow on the map below. A map of Château-Gontier is shown further below. A larger version of the city map can be obtained by clicking on the map below. Note that the map has been modified a bit to be more representative of 1944.